Julius sumner miller demonstrations in physics
Julius sumner miller demonstrations in physics

julius sumner miller demonstrations in physics

Meiners, Physics Demonstration Experiments, Section 8-3.6, page 145. Meiners, Physics Demonstration Experiments, Inertial Forces: Demonstration 8-3.2, pages 143-144. Waggoner, Lecture Demonstration Instructions Sheet. Phyllis Salmons, The Penny and the Coat Hanger, TPT 15, 46, (1977).ĭ1-40:CENTRIPETAL FORCE ON ROTATING RUBBER BAND None.ĭ1-42: ROTATING WATER BUCKET WITH SPONGE None.ĭ1-43: INERTIAL FORCES - BALLS IN ROTATING JARS M. Ficken, Jr., Putting a Penny "into Orbit," AJP 40, 776 (1972). Goodman, Mud thrown from a wheel again, AJP 63, 82-83 (1995).ĭ1-38: MAGNETSLINGER Ernest Zebrowski, Jr., On the derivation of the centripetalĪcceleration formula, TPT 40, 554-555 (2002).ĭ1-39: PENNY AND COAT HANGER John Dixon, A Penny for Your Thoughts, TPT 4, 38, (1966). Peter Ronhovde and Rudy Sirochman, Center of mass correction to anĮrror-prone undergraduate centripetal-force experiment, AJP 71, 185-188ĭ1-36: AIR TABLE - CENTRIPETAL FORCE None.ĭ1-37: MUDSLINGER Frank O. Ronald Bryan, Some examples of centripetal acceleration, TPT 40, 32-34 Wood, An algebraic method for solving central Niran Charoenkul, David Wheeler, and Chanwit Dejasvanong, The wall ofĭeath: Newtons, nerves, and nausea, TPT 37, 533-535 (1999). Leff, Acceleration for circular motion, AJP 70, 490-492 (2002).

julius sumner miller demonstrations in physics

Isaac Newton and Richard Conn Henry, Circular motion, AJP 68, 637-639 (2000). Joe Bunn and Jay Smith, Apparatus for Teaching Physics: Measure Centripetal Force for Under $3, TPT 32, 380-381 (1994).Ĭharles Henderson, Measuring the Forces Required foir Circular Motion, TPT 36, 118-121 (1998).

julius sumner miller demonstrations in physics

Bauman, What is Centripetal Force?, TPT 18, 527-529, (1980).Īlex Fogel, Apparatus for Teaching Physics: Building a "no-cost" apparatus to demonstrate rotational inertia, TPT 22, 333 (1984). Brownstein, A simple derivation of centripetal acceleration, AJP 62, 946 (1994).ĭ1-35: CENTRIPETAL FORCE - ROTATING MASS Mildred Allen, The Stability of Centripetal Force Apparatus, AJP 15, 470-473, (1947). Elsner, Visualizing Centripetal Force, TPT 32, 176-177 (1994). Herman Erlichson, Motive force and centripetal force in Newton's mechanics, AJP 59, 842-849 (1991). Harry Rheam, Tricks of the Trade: Centripetal Force on an Overhead Projector, TPT 33, 182 (1995).ĭ1-33: ROTATING MASS ON STRING "JWB", Centripetal-Centrifugal Force Again, TPT 3, 173-174 (1965). Centripetal Force.ĭ1-32: TRAJECTORY FROM CIRCULAR ORBIT Jonathan Mitschele, A New Use for an Old Pickle Bucket, TPT 32, 252-253 (1994). Sutton, Demonstration Experiments on Physics, Demonstration M-137. Harry Rheam, Tricks of the Trade: Centripetal Force on an Overhead Projector - with a petri dish, TPT 33, 182 (1995).ĭ1-31: TRAJECTORY FROM SPIRAL Michael McCloskey, Intuitive Physics, Scientific American Volume 248 # 4, April 1983, pp. OVERHEAD PROJECTOR Jonathan Mitschele, A New Use for an Old Pickle Bucket, TPT 32,252-253 (1994) Oldaker, Does an Ideal Wheel Really Rotate About its Instantaneous Point of Contact?, TPT 36, 167-170 (1998).ĭ1-12: ADDITION OF ANGULAR VELOCITY None.ĭ1-21: ANGULAR VELOCITY - OBERBECK CROSS Lecture Demonstration Model Photograph. Tea, Jr, On seeing instantaneous centers of velocity, AJP 58, 495-497 (1990). Time, and the acceleration, from a University of Maryland laboratoryĭ1-11: CYCLOID - LIGHT BULB ON WHEEL Peter L. Chalmers, A linear/rotational motion exercise with a tapeĭ1-02: PELLET VELOCITY FROM ROTATING DISCS None.ĭ1-03: VELOCITY WHEEL Velocity wheel - the determination of the velocity as a function of Relates the demo to the math very clearly, but it is his almost frenetic bench demo presence that makes it a compelling watch.REFERENCES REFERENCES SECTION D D1: ROTATIONAL KINEMATICS AND DYNAMICSĭ1-01: STROBOSCOPE AND FAN Joseph S. As the demo reaches its(often swift)dramatic peak, Prof Julius Sumner Miller will exhort "Watch it!, Watch it!" Have taught physics myself and appreciate the depth and cogency he packs in fifteen minutes. If he drops something, or something misfires, he just plows along and does it again. He wasn't the type who would suffer fools well. He looks every bit the part of the mad scientist, white hair akimbo, fast talking, excitable.

julius sumner miller demonstrations in physics

Very fast paced bench physics demos with Prof Julius Sumner Miller narrating as he goes along. All are action demonstrations, no straight lecture. Each episode is a fifteen minute black and white short subject.

Julius sumner miller demonstrations in physics